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Blog - bay area

The Dirtbag Challenge

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This weekend, I went to visit a bunch of guys coming back from their Dirtbag Challenge.

These guys had just gotten back from a long ride. The Dirtbag Challenge involves groups riding over 50 miles in a day, camping overnight, and riding back the next day. They have regional events all over the place. The SF guys decided to double it, and rode over 100 miles each way. Here's a post describing the event last year

I met a bunch of riders after the event at their huge Bayview warehouse. This place was awesome! Tons of guys working on their bikes in a communal atmosphere, beer, and did I mention beer?

Apparently people leave their project bikes there and work on them, and other folks are quick to jump in to help other riders with problems that are challenging them. That’s what motorcycles are all about: a community of cool folks rallying around the bikes that bring them together.

I forgot my phone this time, but imagine one part biker bar, one part Folsom Street Fair (don’t look that up at work if you don’t know what it is) and a whole lot of awesome choppers. If you’re ever around when they’re having an event, be sure to check it out!

We’re going to start blogging more often here at La Rosa Designs (I promise there will be pictures next time) so stay tuned for more motorcycle and shop news.


